Monday, July 28, 2008

You are...

Hello beloved person! Just wanted to write a note of encouragement to tell you what an awesome day you should be having. Why, you ask? You say the bills are piled high and you can't take another bit of bad, an awesome day seems so far out of reach...but it's not. Take a breath and realize this. You are a beautiful child of God. You have been fearfully and wonderfully made, knit together in your mother's womb. Before anyone here on earth knew you, the God of the universe was there to hold your hand, to craft put you on this earth for a purpose. You are loved by many. You have wonderful skills, talents and abilities. You have regrets, but God doesn't have any regrets about you. You are forgiven. You are whole now. You cannot be shaken for long. If God is on your side, who can be against you? You are a beautiful masterpiece for all the world to cherish. You are special. You are entirely unique. No one else is exactly like you.

Take this knowledge and go forward. Treat and see others as though this is true of them as well. The person in front of you in line. The gardener. The boy who mows your yard. The person getting a drink of water at the same time you are. Your friends. Your mother. Now more of a challenge: your worst enemy. The one you dread talking to. The one who calls at a bad time, every time. The one who's so hard to love.

If we are created in God's image, we cannot just love those who are easy to love. What would happen if you channeled some of the love God feels for you into one concentrated, directed stream of love for others? Be God's vessel...let His love for others shine through you. Be Jesus on earth. That's what you were designed for. This is your purpose. Now go. Honor it.


Lisa said...

Love this.

AB said...

There are those who see and those who have yet to see, though they may occasionally get a glimpse.

I see that you see, and I am thankful that I found your words, though they may be from beyond you.

Please continue to help the rest of the world see as you do.